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Air conditioning dehumidification and refrigeration in the end what is different?

Posted:2017/2/20 18:09:39 Read:1188 Secondary
  In the use of air conditioning, dehumidification and refrigeration can achieve the role of reducing indoor temperature, these two functions have the same point and different points, many people easily confused. Below, we carefully analyze what is the difference between the two?.
The same point -
Refrigeration: at the same time to reduce the temperature of the air at the same time to remove water vapor
Dehumidification: in the removal of water vapor at the same time must reduce the air temperature
Both refrigeration and dehumidification, indoor air through the heat exchanger of air conditioner, water vapor heat in the air is condensed into low-temperature condensed water, condensed water discharged to the outside through the drainage tube; while cold air after heat exchange air blown out from the air conditioner. Therefore, whether it is cooling or dehumidification, reducing air temperature and water vapor removal of these two are non separable.
Different points
Refrigeration: to reduce the temperature of the air at the same time, the removal of water vapor.
Select the cooling mode, the cooling temperature and wind speed can be raised or lowered. Air conditioning in accordance with the manual selection of temperature and wind speed in the refrigeration mode operation, to achieve the purpose of reducing air temperature (at the same time discharge condensate), blowing out the wind is relatively strong.
Dehumidification: in order to remove water vapor, while reducing air temperature.
Selection of dehumidification mode, dehumidification temperature and wind speed can not be raised or lowered. Air conditioning in accordance with the automatic setting of low temperature and low wind speed to run dehumidification mode, to achieve the purpose of removing the water vapor in the air (while blowing cold air), blowing the cold wind is relatively weak soft.

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