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Common failures of dehumidifiers

Posted:2017/10/10 19:13:11 Read:3909
  (1), leakage: refers to the dehumidifier refrigerant leakage; Dehumidification electrical (lines, the body) of insulation damage caused by leakage current.
(2), wall: refers to the dirty plugging in dehumidifier cold system and ice wall; Dehumidifier air filter clogging; Dehumidifier dehumidifier air inlet outlet is blocked by the barrier, etc.
(3), refers to the electrical circuit disconnection; Fuse fusing. Due to overheating or excessive current overload protector off contact; Due to the cooling system pressure is not normal pressure relay off contact, etc.
(4), burn: refer to the compressor motor winding, solenoid valve coil winding, fan motor, relay coils and contacts was burned down.
(5), card: refers to the compressor jammed, fan stuck, bearing stuck of the moving parts, etc.
(6), damage: refers to the compressor valve damage, piston roughcast, dehumidifier fan blade fracture and various parts damage, etc.

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